Month: September 2015


   Kind dears, I am averaging a post every other week.  I have heard your outcry, and I apologize, I apologize, I apologize (maybe go into the archives when you really need a prompt–there are years of writing back there).  This thesis writing thing is sort of kicking my ass.  But stick with me.  Just…
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Bodies & Compromise

Recently, a friend of mine (you don’t know him) wrote me an email about his experience with illness, and his feelings of anger and frustration with it.  It’s a strange thing, to know that you exist inside something–are part of something–that is failing you.   I don’t know exactly what he’s feeling. But when I read his email, I…
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This week, a participant in a writing group asked me why I write so much.  I answered with something not untrue–something like, “Because I’m really fucked up and trying to survive.” But that wasn’t the whole truth.  It was like a sliver of the truth, or a version of the truth.  Because while, yes, I believe…
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