Category: Portfolio

From Another Time

For a while, this interview sort of embarrassed me–because my life has changed so much since then, and I sound so certain.  But re-reading it, I realize that only the last part–dancing with my husband–is no longer a part of my life.  And I feel like the woman who was emerging at that time was…
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Junky Tuesday-McSweeney’s

This was back in 2007 (the incident occurred in 2005/2006).  If you want to see the actual post on the actual site (because you don’t believe me, or–shudder–you’ve never read McSweeney’s Internet Tendency) there’s a link below, and then you should use your browser’s search function to search my name.  If you’re heading over to…
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Letting Go-ABCDLady

An article I wrote before my parents reverse migration to Bangladesh.  The bio picture was kind of a funny thing–most of the other bio pics are a little more glamorous (as my future photographs are sure to be), but all I had was this picture that my older son took of me out on the…
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