Weeks Go By

Weeks Go By

Sometimes it feels like so many things happen in the seven or eight days between these posts I can’t decide what to write.  It’s a Combat Paper/Warrior Writers week and I’ve been swimming in so much love and community–lots of affirmations and old jokes and new jokes, old friends and new ones. I was in Logan, Ohio for the most surprising, beautiful gathering of poets and poetry lovers.  I stood in the moonlight a lot.  And then I got home to my beautiful children and we had some friends over for a simple dinner the evening I arrived.  The thing I kept telling them, and continue to think about, was how struck and heartened I am again and again by how many incredible people there are in the world doing important work, who have been doing important work for so long. It is cause for optimism, even if the world feels so broken at times.

Come see what we did this week tomorrow night!!

Oh–and your prompt.  This is ostensibly from Courage: Daring Poems for Gutsy Girls. I’ve listened to Lemonade about 800,000 times. Okay, 15 times.  It’s amazing, amazing, amazing.  And oh lord, that film.  My kids are going to be SO sick of it this weekend.  Whatever.

Beyonce: I’m not too perfect to feel worthless.  Rachel McKibbens:  Anything holy/ is not reversible.  There isn’t a man alive who could undo me.  

Your phrases to complete:

I arrived

I have always been

Anything holy

There isn’t a man alive

Get to work you guys.  Poems don’t write themselves.  People like you and I have to burn our hands in order to bend the words.

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