Month: March 2016

Playlist (and boogers)

I have been thinking lately about planting good memories.  Or rather triggers for good memories.  We know how it works with bad memories–certain smells or sounds or little gestures appear and transport us to some terrible thing for a moment.  And often it takes a lot of our energy to recover.  But I’ve been wondering about…
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  The past few days, I’ve been receiving text messaged photos of my book in people’s hands. It’s starting to ship from Amazon and it’s really exciting. But also some of the anxiety I was anticipating. I’m not one for keeping secrets (anymore)–as you know–but still, I feel a little vulnerable, a little bit like…
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What We Know

 In most academic writing one has to draw clear lines to illustrate how they know every single thing they know.  Basically, any assertion made has to a) build to a single argument and b) have come from another book or published research.  Other ways of knowing are not accepted.  Not building up to a single answer…
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The Shit

I know there are certain delightful writers who are tracking how often I post and then calling me out publicly when I say I post a prompt weekly (I’m glad to be held accountable).  I have been thinking a lot about stumbling and getting up and about the sort of latent anxiety and excitement of my…
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