Month: October 2016

Friendships Worth Waiting For

The featured image is a note in a card given by one practical ten year old to another–the front image is an elephant walking a tightrope. I have some really dear tough-guy friends who indulge my demand for sweet-guy behavior. I won’t name them here in case they are embarrassed by what sweeties they are (such…
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Old Things in New Eyes

One of my favorite, favorite, favorite things is showing kids really campy cheesed out things. Some teenagers were hanging out at my place the other weekend, and I showed them several videos that astonished and perplexed them, including the one below. One of my all-time 100% favorites, it elicited a great deal of excited commentary…
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You should get over it already.

Who among us, when met by a resting, almost forgotten grief, doesn’t ask the questions: What is wrong with me? Shouldn’t I be over this by now?  Well of course you should be. In fact, bad things shouldn’t happen in the first place. To you or anyone. In fact, it should also never rain during the day.…
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Sources of Light

This week, some incredibly cool and interesting people I’m glad to call friends were suddenly in town from California and we had the fortune of meeting for dinner. We talked about so many things–books and art and documentaries and geography and history. We talked a fair bit about the artist James Turrell, who they had…
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