I’ve just finished this brilliant book of poems, Black Aperture by Matt Rasmussen. Anyone who’s been in a writing group with me in the past couple of weeks has heard about it. The poems are startling with their clarity, and the duality of their familiarity and originality. I love them. I finished the collection today and rather than feeling that sense of satisfaction I normally get moving a book from my bag or my bedside onto the bookshelf to live with the other books I’ve read, I felt a sadness. So clearly this collection isn’t done with me yet. It’ll need another read or two.
Today during yoga I had the thought of writing a series of poem titles and then write the poems from different perspectives tothe titles. That may not have been a very original idea, but it has seemed to unlock something for me. Starting tomorrow, we’re ALL going to be writing poems to a title. Because I said so, and because sometimes I’m the boss. If you don’t write with me every week, I’ll give you a title, you write on your own:
Anonymous Goes to the Grocery Store