For my Niece, on the Occasion of Heartbreak

For my Niece, on the Occasion of Heartbreak

I don’t know whether it helps
Or if it will make you more depressed
But the only truth I can tell you
Is that heartbreak never changes.

You would think that since it keeps
returning to tap its familiar beat
against a door you keep trying to close;
since embarrassment prickles red and
betrayal never loses its sharp sting

That because blinking back tears feels the same
no matter how old your eyes,
you might think, might pray
that somehow you will grow numb to it

But I hope you won’t.

You might become adept at hiding it
You could get quicker to recognize it
You ought to learn to dislodge its sharp knife from your rib
to disguise the fountains that spring from your eyes as daggers
to rearrange your limp into a swagger–
at least until you reach home.

But none of that makes it hurt any less.

Heartbreak is the fair price
of living with your arms open
the flip side of easy laughter,
gratitude for ordinary kindnesses
the soaring feeling of falling in love
So take all the heartbreak life offers
And let the scars show.

They are proof that you are living.

I love you.



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  1. Emily says:


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