I want to post something

I want to post something

to speak to the spark in the people who made today beautiful, to thank you for your laughter, your honesty, for the things you do for me and the things you do for each other that free my hands to do for the new people who arrive or the ones who are struggling a little harder today. For showing me that the edges of the human experience aren’t actually that far from the core of what it is to be human. I want to thank the twenty or so hands that got covered in paint and styrofoam and wood chips and markers for holding the table steady for me. Sometimes people on the outside of this work ask me, “How many people are running these art groups?” And the answer that they can’t begin to understand from behind their desks is, “All of them. Every single one of the people at the table are running this group.” That’s why it’s magic. You people rock my world, every damn day I’m lucky enough to be around you.

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